The Monica Loughman Elite Ballet class assessments are Vaganova standard qualifications that forms the basis for measurement of the dancers progress and development.
We aim to provide Vaganova training that is safe, works both sides of the body, alongside the development of musical and artistic appreciation.
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to show;
A good understanding of the Vaganova technique.
Correct placement of arms and legs.
A sense of performance.
A rhythmic awareness and
A suitable interpretation of musical qualities.
The aim of these assessments is to provide an individual progress and development plan.
Whether the candidate is pursing ballet as a leisure activity or as preparation for a professional career in ballet.
Grades are as follows;
Distinction - 80-100 marks
Merit - 60-79 marks
Pass - 40-59 marks
Not attained - 0-39 marks
How it will work;
Primary and Junior Introduction Divisions;
The teacher will join the candidates in the examination studio.
The candidates will be introduced by name to Miss Monica and then the assessment will begin.
Music may be with a live pianist or recorded music.
The assessment will last 20 - 30 minutes.
Class uniform must be worn, hair must be in a well groomed bun and no jewellery.
Please note; all assessments will be recorded.
Wednesday class, Junior Division and Pro Division;
The candidates will enter the examination studio in pre arranged groups.
The candidates must formally introduce themselves to Miss Monica and the examiner, and then the assessment will begin.
Music may be with a live pianist or recorded music.
The assessment will last 30 minutes.
Class uniform must be worn, hair must be in a well groomed bun and no jewellery.
Please note; All assessments will be recorded.
There will be a 5 minute writing gap between each group.
Each dancer will receive an individual report that will reflect their own personal achievement.
Assessment Dates;
Primary Division - Saturday 27th April 2024 - 10.45am
Junior Introduction Division - Saturday 27th April 2024 - 11.30pm
Junior Division - Saturday 27th April 2024 - 12.30pm
Wednesday Class - Wednesday 24th April 2024 - 6.00pm
Pro Division - Sunday 28th April 2024 - 12.00pm
Entries must be submitted via the dancers teacher by 31st March 2024